
fabric flower headband

alex just loves wearing headbands, we have a ton. and we've lost a few along the way so i'm always looking to add more headbands to the collection. plus i needed to test make some fabric flowers for another project. i had already ordered some fun elastic to make those little knot pony tail holders that seem to be everywhere these days (which are super easy to make and super cheap and great to use for kids' hair.) i let alex pick out which elastic she wanted to use and which scrap fabric she wanted for the flowers. the top fabric is scrap from when i made her vintage suitcase (it has A's on it and flowers and of course, it's mainly green) and the second fabric is scrap from my pillow case that i absolutely love love love (pantone fabric from penny candy on spoonflower.) i started by cutting out 2" felt circles - 2 for each headband. i measured alex's head for the elastic, adding an inch for overlap. and finally cut out 3" fabric circles - about 18 for each flower. i sewed the elastic to one felt circle - overlapping the inch of elastic - and make sure not to twist your elastic when sewing the second end onto the felt circle. then on the other felt circle you start sewing your flower petals. fold a fabric circle in half with wrong sides facing, then in half again. pin 5 petals around the circle of the felt piece with the petals about a half inch in - see photo below. 

then sew the tips of the petals to the felt circle. pin a second layer of 5 petals to the felt circle, in between the first row petals and in a little towards the center, stitch those petals. then one more row of 5 petals filling in most of the felt area. i then folded 3 more petals per flower and stitched the tips together (separate from the felt.) then glue the 3 last petals to the center of your flower and let dry. your flower is done now (optional: i've seen places where they say to place random drops of glue in the flower petals and scrunch for some added fluff.) to finish the headbands, just glue the bottom felt part of your flower to the felt elastic headband circle (sandwiching in the elastic ends of the headband section.) once that's dry, you're done! yay, alex loves it and has been wearing one or the other every day since (of course, the glitter rainbow one is her favorite - while the neon with pantone flower is mine.)

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